Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sweet Valley High #3: Playing With Fire

Front Cover: Can Jessica play Bruce Patman's game and win?

Back Cover: Too hot to handle...
Watch out, Sweet Valley HihgF! Once again, Jessica Wakefield has gotten her way. Fresh from her greatest social triumph, Jessica proceeds to sink her hooks into rich, handsome Bruce Patman, he most eligible, sought-after guy at SVH.
 Or has Bruce gotten his hooks into Jessica? Elizabeth, Jessica's twin, notices a big change in her sister. Suddenly Jessica's following Bruce everywhere and dropping everything just to spend time with him.
 Elizabeth doesn't trust bruce one bit - he's arrogant, demanding, and way too fast. Jessica can usuallly hold her own with any guy, but this time, Elizabeth's afraid her sister may be going too far....

I know that we're supposed to be sympathetic of Jessica in this book, but really it just proves to me how much I hate her. She's so immature. She really needed to grow a backbone.

Then again, I usually complain that she just steps on everyone, so it was kinda nice to see her be stepped on. However, it was all at the expense of her still being a snob and still blowing off people she doesn't think are "cool enough".

I think there's something going on with Ned and Marianna. I know he and Alice don't get divorced, and they're always portrayed as the picture perfect parents and marriage, but I feel like at some point, Marianna causes trouble, and they hit a rough patch. I think what happens is that Marianna wants to have an affair with him, but he's all like, "Whoa there. I was just being nice to you. I love my wife and kids and yeah." and then he immediately rushes home to apologize to Alice for all the dinners he's missed, and she apologizes for having ever doubted him and they all live happily ever after.

The subplot in this book was Robin Wilson wanting to get into the sorority and basically being a hanger-on to Jessica, trying to be her friend, not realizing that Jessica was being a bitch like always and just using her.

Another subplot involved The Droids trying to make it big. I would've loved to have seen more of that. I know that these books centre on Elizabeth and Jessica and are widely told from their POVs, but I'd totes read a spin-off miniseries about The Droids and from their members' POVs. I see them (especially Dana and Emily) being like the California Diaries to Jessica and Elizabeth's Baby-Sitters Club. I would've liked to have read more about Dana getting hit on by that scuzzy manager. That whole subplot could've been really could from their POV and if it had been fleshed out more...

Hook: Can Liz outwit her scheming twin adn make Robin a Pi Beta?

I feel like the answer is yes. She'll help to makeover Robin, but in a subtle way, one that highlights her features and suits her personality. Not some flashy redesign. And then everyone will see that Robin is actually kinda pretty. Maybe Robin will go on a bit of a diet, or find a sport she likes, and she'll trim down a bit. She'll still be a bit "husky", but now in a sexy curvy way. Anyways, some of the more acceptable guys will start to dig her, she'll gain even more self-confidence, and I think in the end she'll be a Pi Beta, much to Jessica's chagrin. But then Jessica will somehow try to turn it around and take credit for everything haha hopefully Robin will see through Jess sooner than later.

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